Monday, January 14, 2008


Gratitude has been such a powerful exercise for me. Every morning I get up and say "Thank you." Every morning, When my feet hit the floor,"Thank you." And then I start running through what I'm grateful for, as I'm brushing my teeth and doing the things I do in the morning. And I'm not just thinking about them and doing some route routine. I'm putting it out there and I'm feeling the feelings of gratitude.

-Rhonda Byrne, the Secret-

When I left LAX for ICN,
I bought a book, "the Secret"
I have been reading this book when I commute to work.
Gratitude is the base of happiness.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I am back!

Today, I went to my company after finishing a year vacation. This morning was so cold that clouds of breath was collected in front of me when I walked to a subway station. As I expected, the subway was annoyingly crowded.

At last, I arrived at my office and I was the first person who came in. Actually, I intended it. When I saw my team collegue come to the office, I was happy. What's more, I could meet all the members of my company because today we had a opening ceremony for a year. I was lucky.

"You are back",
"Did you have a good time?",
"How come did you go to America without noticing me?"
"Happy new year"

The ceremony ended and duty stated.
Even though I was ackward to learn my new position, I wasn't disappointed and afraid of doing my new work. I think I have become more relexable than before. It will be a good sign for my life. Long vacation made me peaceful. I hope this mind-state will be forever.